Dumbbell HIIT Circuit

|Blog, Bootcamp, Circuit training, Exercise, Featured, Inspiration, Workouts|


Very simple. Quick full body circuit here. All you need for this one is a set of medium dumbbells (Dont be afraid to try something a little heavier than you’re used to. You can […]

5 Exercise Full Body Circuit

|Blog, Bootcamp, Circuit training, Exercise, Featured, Inspiration, Workouts|

Getting your workout in doesn’t need to take a lot of time. So Here’s a quick and effective full body circuit to get you going and make you STRONGER!

Do this circuit 2-3 x a […]

Get It Done Fast with This Reverse Ladder Workout

|Blog, Bootcamp, Circuit training, Exercise, Featured, Inspiration, Workouts|

I’m all about simple, quick and effective workouts!
Metabolic conditioning (or metcon for short) is a type of training that combines strength exercises (usually 2-4) with minimal break in between. So you’re also burning a […]

Your Plank Challenge!

|Blog, Bootcamp, Circuit training, Exercise, Featured, Workouts|

For my fellow plank lovers, throw these into your core routine to amp the intensity!
These 4 side plank variations focus on working one side at a time. You’ll probably notice you are stronger on […]

Your In-Home Bootcamp Circuit!

|Blog, Bootcamp, Circuit training, Exercise, Featured, Workouts|

Got a set of dumbbells? Got 20 minutes to kick your own butt? Then this one’s for you. Get ready to  strengthening your core/ upper / lower body and cardio vascular system! Resistance training, bodyweight […]

Full Body Weight Workout (NO equipment needed!)

|Blog, Bootcamp, Circuit training, Exercise, Featured, Workouts|

I’ve got a great new workout circuit for you if you’re looking for best bang for your time! NO you don’t need any equipment (so perfect for a travel workout) but YES it is challenging […]

Workout: Core & Arm Challenge

|Blog, Workouts|

This workout is very simple yet super effective. The focus is on core and upper body. Give it a go if you dare!

2 sets of  dumbbells  – 1 medium + 1 lighter for […]

How To Design Your Own Full Body Workout

|Blog, Bootcamp, Exercise, Workouts|

Designing your own workout program can be pretty daunting. You may not know which exercises to include and in what order. I get asked a million and one times what the best kind of […]

Workout: 3 Exercise / 20 Minute Circuit

|Blog, Exercise, Workouts|

Sometimes the simplest workouts are the toughest and most efficient. That’s exactly what you’re getting from this one. With just these 3 exercises, you are ultimately working your whole body from head to toe!

The key with this kind of workout is to choose 3 exercises that complement each other well and that target a bunch of different muscle groups synergistically. Also, it’s a good idea to match 2 challenging compound exercises (in this case squat press and half burpee) with 1 lower impact single joint exercise (tricep extension) which will help balance out the work load by giving your larger muscle groups a chance to recover slightly while you’re still working and keeping your heart rate up. The key is to make the workout challenging yet sustainable throughout.

All you need is 1 challenging dumbbell (10-20 lb) and a timer. Also, this workout is not long to complete – about 20 minutes. But it’s the most efficient 20 minutes you’ll get out of a workout. So in other words- nothing to lose, and no excuses!
Scroll over each exercise for videos of proper execution of movements.

Squat + Dumbbell Overhead Press
Overhead Tricep Extension
Half Burpee


Round 1 introduces the 3 exercises, for proper form. So take your time to complete each rep and use the break between exercises.
Rounds 2, 3, 4 and 5 are geared towards completing as many reps as you can in the 45 seconds with no breaks between exercises, culminating with the last and toughest round where all 3 exercises are performed back to back. This will definitely get your heart and all muscles pumping!
After each round take just enough break (max 30 sec) to grab a sip of water and towel off the sweat!

Exercise for Disease Prevention

|Blog, Exercise|

A big reason why I chose my field of expertise -as both a fitness professional and holistic nutritionist, is to have people realize that our overall level of health is the result of many interacting factors of such as, physical activity (or lack of), diet, environment & stress. Yes genetics plays a part in predisposing us to certain conditions BUT as one of my professors engrained in my mind so wisely: “Genetics loads the gun, lifestyle pulls the trigger.” So why not make our own health a priority through wise choice and practice-  two factors we have most control over.

This study, being conducted as we speak, is a perfect example of what I am speaking of: Exercise studied as breast cancer prevention
