Dumbbell HIIT Circuit

|Blog, Bootcamp, Circuit training, Exercise, Featured, Inspiration, Workouts|


Very simple. Quick full body circuit here. All you need for this one is a set of medium dumbbells (Dont be afraid to try something a little heavier than you’re used to. You can […]

5 Exercise Full Body Circuit

|Blog, Bootcamp, Circuit training, Exercise, Featured, Inspiration, Workouts|

Getting your workout in doesn’t need to take a lot of time. So Here’s a quick and effective full body circuit to get you going and make you STRONGER!

Do this circuit 2-3 x a […]

Get It Done Fast with This Reverse Ladder Workout

|Blog, Bootcamp, Circuit training, Exercise, Featured, Inspiration, Workouts|

I’m all about simple, quick and effective workouts!
Metabolic conditioning (or metcon for short) is a type of training that combines strength exercises (usually 2-4) with minimal break in between. So you’re also burning a […]

Pyramid Training Workout

|Blog, Bootcamp, Circuit training, Exercise, Uncategorized, Workouts|

The Workout
Pyramid Training is basically a circuit training workout where you start with very minimal, or even a single rep of an exercise, and then progressively add to it and increase the reps in […]

Workout: 3 Exercise / 20 Minute Circuit

|Blog, Exercise, Workouts|

Sometimes the simplest workouts are the toughest and most efficient. That’s exactly what you’re getting from this one. With just these 3 exercises, you are ultimately working your whole body from head to toe!

The key with this kind of workout is to choose 3 exercises that complement each other well and that target a bunch of different muscle groups synergistically. Also, it’s a good idea to match 2 challenging compound exercises (in this case squat press and half burpee) with 1 lower impact single joint exercise (tricep extension) which will help balance out the work load by giving your larger muscle groups a chance to recover slightly while you’re still working and keeping your heart rate up. The key is to make the workout challenging yet sustainable throughout.

All you need is 1 challenging dumbbell (10-20 lb) and a timer. Also, this workout is not long to complete – about 20 minutes. But it’s the most efficient 20 minutes you’ll get out of a workout. So in other words- nothing to lose, and no excuses!
Scroll over each exercise for videos of proper execution of movements.

Squat + Dumbbell Overhead Press
Overhead Tricep Extension
Half Burpee


Round 1 introduces the 3 exercises, for proper form. So take your time to complete each rep and use the break between exercises.
Rounds 2, 3, 4 and 5 are geared towards completing as many reps as you can in the 45 seconds with no breaks between exercises, culminating with the last and toughest round where all 3 exercises are performed back to back. This will definitely get your heart and all muscles pumping!
After each round take just enough break (max 30 sec) to grab a sip of water and towel off the sweat!